Yup, this is going to be a “visual” post. (Better known as a lazy post. Sorry.) But here are nineteen pictures. Yay! I'll try to write something either tonight or tomorrow, maybe about my trip to Berlin this past weekend.
Anyway, why nineteen? The Chicago Black Sox won the world series in 1919, 19 apparently has some religious significance in the Quran, and I was 19 a year ago. Or maybe I could only find nineteen decent pictures. Really, who knows?
This was taken at Kutna Hora, a small town about 2 hours from Prague. It's best known for its church and its bones. |
CREEPY! At Kutna Hora again. The previous caption might make more sense now. We visited an ossuary which contained tens of thousands of human bones. It was also really cold there. |
Taken at a cathedral. I call this one, "Jesus loves candles and you." |
Taken in front of a doorway. Why is there a doorway in the doorway? Was the big one too hard to open? Just another mystery of the universe. |
This guy sat in a room all day and made fake coins for tourists who came through. I also thought he looked quite dramatic. |
I think we're still at Kutna Hora here. I'm a kind of a fan of the tall, skinny trees. They look like me! |
This is the cathedral at Kutna Hora, all silhouetted and pretty. Also, you'll notice the flying buttresses on the left of the building. I've learned so much from my art and architecture class! (Not really.) |
That sky looks painted on, and I like it. |
A clearer view of the cathedral at Kutna Hora. Very cool. |
So we took a field trip to this "interactive museum," and were surprised to find about 400 elementary schoolers there. We all felt completely out of place. There were blocks and sticks and pieces of metal lying around everywhere, and kids were smashing stuff together and building things and being crazy. It was kind of like a science center on crack. But nobody was doing crack there. Or taking random pictures of the kids. Oh yeah, except me. |
This was at Dachau. Concentration camps don't actually look like this. |
Another random picture, taken on a street corner. The dad looks so stuffy and European. And the little kid makes me laugh. |
On a window in Munich. The full transcription: |
Well, the situation was...well, you know the situation...I don't know much about you...you have asked me a lot of things, I didn't, I couldn't ask so much...
Yeah...because yeah...I think, because, yeah, I am not used to asking too much of these kind of questions, but yeah...Now I know a little bit who you are...and that is nice.
Only in Germany.
I call this one, "Jesus on the toilet, talking on his cell phone." |
Yeah, I take a lot of random pictures. Here's some made-up dialogue between these two guys:
Guy on left: Dude, that is a really sweet beard.
Guy on right: Someday, with great effort, perseverance, and willpower, you too can grow a beard like this. Now stop looking at me. |
Saw this sign for a movie ad in Germany. Does that guy in the middle look familiar? He should, because he's 16 year old me! |
No seriously, I'm in a movie! |
This tower is located in front of the Charles Bridge, which is one of the famous landmarks and historic places in Prague. You can also go up inside it... |
And get a nice view of Prague. Spring is right around the corner, and people are starting to come out in bunches. The Charles Bridge is on the left. |
Go ahead and put that on a postcard. |
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